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For any questions or requests for additional information, do not hesitate to contact us via the form below or using the contact details provided.

Planet Takoo: The Awakening of the Warrior
Company name: [Company name]
Head office address: [Address]
Leaders: [Names of leaders]
Telephone: [Phone number]
Fax: [Fax number]
Email: [Email Address]
Registration number: [Commercial register number]
Tax identification number: [Tax identification number]
Share capital: [Amount of share capital]
Supervisory authority: [Contact details of the supervisory authority]
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In the event of a dispute, EU consumers can use the European Commission's online dispute resolution (ODR) platform, available at Customers also have the option of contacting the Arbitration Board of the European Commission to resolve a dispute. Participation in these procedures is neither obligatory nor systematic for La Planète Takoo: L’éveil du warrior.

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